"; * * Stephen Moran (testguy@hotmail.com) * July 2000 * ***********************************************************/ /****Here is the only two variables, that need to be defined.****/ /*How many times at a stretch visitor can send mail using the script (2 times default)*/ $opss = 50; /*And after what amount of time allow that visitor to send mail again (1 hour default)*/ $ok = 3600; $php_header = "From: $name <$from>\n". "X-Mailer: Polar Lights Studios/Flash-PHP3 script"; $antispam = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["times"]; $message_tosent=$message."\n\n send by $REMOTE_ADDR."; if ($antispam < $opss){ setcookie("times",$antispam+1,gmdate(time()) +$ok); if (@Mail($to, $subject, $message_tosent, $php_header)){ echo "&info=Mail sent. Thank you. A confirmation email wil be sent. &"; $confirm_to = $name . "<$from>"; $confirm_header = "From: dblake@hellokitty.com"; $confirm_message = "Your message has been sent. \nTo: $to\nSubject: $subject\n"; $confirm_subject = "Email Confirmation"; @mail($confirm_to,$confirm_subject,$confirm_message,$confirm_header); }else{ echo "&info=Error. Please try later.&"; } } else{ echo "&info=Sorry. Spamming not allowed here.&"; } ?>